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Principal’s Message - July 2023


Sharing on the Golden Jubilee Variety Show

It is with great pleasure that I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the resounding success of the Golden Jubilee Variety Show. On the evening of July 15th, the school hall was transformed into a spectacular stage, showcasing the myriad talents of our teachers, students, parents, and alumni. The tireless efforts of each participant culminated in a mesmerizing performance that left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness.

The theme of our 50th anniversary event, " With gratitude we share our past, with courage we carve our future”, was deftly embodied by the performers who masterfully blended tradition with modernity. The opening of the show was performed by the orchestra, which had a thrilling rhythm. Two students recited with great emotion and expression, while the Chinese music ensemble presented a unique performance, adding a festive atmosphere to the show. A duet sang with sincere emotions, their voices full of spiritual light. The choir sang with confidence, creating a beautiful harmony that made us want to clap our hands in appreciation. The jazz dance was a brilliant performance, with agile and dynamic movements. The a cappella choir, led by a remarkable vocalist, transported the audience to a world of ethereal beauty. The band performance by three students was a bold and daring experiment that showcased the depth of their musical talents. The Hungarian and Ukrainian folk dances were exquisite performances that left us spellbound, with their intricate choreography and stunning costumes. The parents' rendition of "Red Sun" was a stirring tribute that underscored their unwavering support for the school's mission. Finally, the short film "Hoiping Years" was a poignant reminder of the school's illustrious history, accompanied by a theme song that captured the essence of the jubilee celebrations. The short film, "Hoiping Years," was a poignant retrospective of the school's progress over the past 50 years, accompanied by the jubilee's theme song, which stirred our emotions and filled our hearts with a sense of pride and nostalgia. The lyrics, "Inheritance, innovation, and construction, embracing hope, let's work together to create," were a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing future generations of talented individuals.

In addition to thanking the performers on stage, we must also thank the bilingual emcees who handled the event with dignity, flexibility, and coordination. We also appreciate the reception team, stage management team, sound, and lighting team, as well as the teachers and students in charge of photography and videography, who worked tirelessly and supported each other through their hard work. The teachers and students responsible for designing the program, tickets, and decoration at the entrance, as well as the staff and IT technicians in the school office, all contributed their meticulous efforts, making the whole event run smoothly. You are all unsung heroes! Thank you to all the participating students who made everyone see the inheritance and innovation, witnessing that Hoiping is a place to discover talents. Practice requires perseverance, and you have achieved it! I sincerely express my appreciation and gratitude to you.

Hoiping has talented students and teachers. They not only guide and lead, but also perform on stage, singing and dancing. They played "Canon in D," performed a cappella, and presented a Mandarin short play. We also had performances that rival those of Korean girl groups. Colleagues, you are really excellent. You not only handle daily teaching and administrative work, but also participate in creation and rehearsal. I am truly grateful for your contributions and for setting an example for students. This is the best birthday gift for Hoiping's golden jubilee. Thank you, colleagues. It is your help that molds the students and your contributions that have made Hoiping what it was in the past, what it is today, and what it will be in the future.

In closing, I would like to express my profound gratitude to all those who participated in the Golden Jubilee Variety Show, whether as performers or audience members. Your efforts have truly made Hoiping proud, and I hope that this event will be remembered as a testament to the school's enduring legacy of excellence. May we continue to nurture and inspire generations of students to come, and may Hoiping's star shine ever brighter in the years to come.



「傳承感恩,金禧創新」是五十周年的主題,我們的表演者新舊共融,呼應傳承,而表演綜合了同學不同的才華,活動多元,形式創新。晚會序幕由管弦樂團拉開,節奏激昂;兩位朗誦同學聲情並茂,抑揚頓挫;中樂小組別開生面,為晚會添上了喜慶洋洋的氣氛;二人合唱情感真摯,聲線裡裹著靈光;合唱團信心滿滿,唱出了彩虹般的妙韻,讓我們撃節讚賞不禁要 “Clap our hands”;爵士舞是天才般的表演,舞步剛柔並重,充滿動感;無伴奏合唱在主音的帶領下,讓聽眾歡快幸福,浮遊於掠影新世界;三人的band show 是嶄新的嘗試,節拍激越;由校友及同學合作演繹的匈牙利群舞與烏克蘭舞是得獎佳作,其服裝與舞步的配合,自由活潑,開合有致,舞出東歐風情;學校踏入金禧,我們的家長也齊來慶賀,一曲紅日,鼓舞人心,勵志振奮,唱出了開平爸媽的心聲。短片「開平歲月」回顧開平五十年來的發展,配以五十周年的主題曲,情懷即時湧上心頭。歌詞中「傳承創新建造,懷抱、希望,齊來攜手開創」更是節拍動感,層層遞進。表演結束時,全台上下一起同唱主題曲,同頌感恩之聲,寄望開平培育更多英才。


開平有天才學生,也有天才老師,他們不只指導引領,還粉墨登場,載歌載舞,有Canon in D的演奏,又有無伴奏合唱、普通話短劇,更有媲美韓國女團的表演。各位同事,你們真的很優秀,既要處理日常的教學及行政工作,還要參與創作及排練,我實在感激,感激你們的付出,感激你們為學生樹立了榜樣,這是開平金禧最佳的生日禮物。各位同事,謝謝你們,是你們幫忙陶造學生,是你們的付出才成就了往日、今天及將來的開平。

