School Activities
- 15/10/2020
Purchasing Mobile Computer Devices to Facilitate the Practice of e-Learning
- 30/09/2020
Students’ Union Election
- 29/09/2020
Parent Teacher Association Gifts Delivery
- 23/09/2020
Special Gifts from the Principal
- 18/09/2020
S1 Online House Meetings
- 23/08/2020
S1 Orientation and Parents’ Day
- 20/06/2020
Careers Day 2020
- 06/06/2020
Parent Workshop on Handling Emotions during Adversity
- 27/04/2020
Support Measures in Response to the Epidemic
- 06/02/2020
齊心對抗疫情 Concerted Effort in Fight Against Epidemic
- 18/01/2020
Life Buddies Mentorship Programme – Visit to Fire Services Department and Central Mail Centre
- 21/12/2019
Prize-presentation Ceremony of CUHK Jockey Club Children’s Eye Care Programme